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Sunday 2 June 2013

How to Find "Expand Widget Templates" or Widgets in New Blogger Style

Hi friends blogger has many changes from last few years.Firstly the style of blogger control panel or editing panel was different from present day blogger control panel.As we all know Blogger is a source of Free we hosting given by almighty google, sorry for mentioning almighty as my feeling is google is almighty as it pays me and helps lot of people like me who get benificiate through google.

This Google is changing the blogger style frequently.Previously it changed the style of control pannel as said above couple of years ago. Now it has changed the Template HTML EDITOR. Due to this many are facing problem in understanding the New Blogger Template HTML Editor. This new Blogger style has changed lot of aspects in it. Few Changes are listed below

The Things Changed in New Template are :

  • Total look of the blogger HTML Editor
  • All widgets placed in separate column.
  • All widgets are been hidden in the template.
  • No Expand Widget Template option as it was in old Blogger HTML Editor.
  • Style of Previewing is Changed.
So, due to this problems you may also not be be able to find "Expand Widget Template" option also to place the Ads Below the Post Title.I too got struck in this problem while i was trying to keep ad below my post title in my new blog Tolly Gossip i worked very hard to know the solution for it i googled it but not found any appropriate result or any exact result  which could give me the solution through googling,then upon my own experimenting i myself solved that problem. That was good moment for me and the things through which i got the solution to this problem i.e.. , "Expand Widget Template" in New Blogger Style HTML Editor.Here we go that how to see Widgets in New Blogger Template 
Note:Expand widget Templates means expanding the Widgets so simply our aim is now to find widgets from the new style template editor

Trick To Find Widgets in New Blogger Template HTML Editor :

  • The New Blogger has Removed the Option "Expand Widget Templates".
So The New Blogger Style provided a seperate option for the Widgets as shown in below figure.
  • But as far as i used this it was not at all satisfying me i.e.., i was not able to find which widget i need.
  • So, better search the widgets Manually.

Steps to Search Widgets Manually in New Blogger:

  • Follow Image for better understanding.

Open the Template editor and Scroll Down You will find arrows in between on the left side beside line numbers "▶" the widgets are hidden in this arrows
  • So, simply click on that arrow and find out which widget you want to find and edit that as your wish.
  • Note: CTRL+F is not working to find codes in new style blogger,So, i recommend to search it manually.
   Must Check: How to Increase Blog Traffic

About Author: Santh kumar founder of Techno Nuts. He is a Tech Geek,Web Designer and Pro can follow him on facebook

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