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Tuesday 28 May 2013

86,298 Members In One Picture-Must See

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Yes, you read it right 86,298 football fans were captured in a single pic in WEMBLY STADIUM(in ENGLAND) on UEFA Champions League Final which has held on 25th of this month.
This ultra high resolution picture captured a 360 degree view of the stadium and a breathtaking clarity which is more than 20,000 megapixel

By zooming into the picture each and every fan in the stadium is visible and even a option is provided to tag people, isn't it amazing!


All  credits to FANCAM ,the company uses sophisticated equipment and experienced photographers
sophisticated cams

  • Around 25 photographers take some hundreds of pictures in a pattern
  • The capturing process takes about 10-15 minutes
  • The final image is created by digitally switching 100's of smaller images 
stiching images
The Fancam uploads its hundreds of pics to its production servers located in cape town  , there the extremely powerful highly equipped computers  digitally stitches these hundreds of pictures into a single ultra high definition picture.
Finally 20 Giga Pixel i.e approximately 20,000 mega pixel image is produced this is 4000 times greater than the picture taken by a Smartphone camera

                 Click Here to View the Pic

Till now FANCAM has captured 260  mega events in which 9 million people were captured.

Hows your experience? comment below and don't forget to share this amazing article...!!!!!!!

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