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Friday 14 June 2013

10 Things to Avoid to Become Successful Blogger-SEO Tips

Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. You're likely already familiar with many of the topics in this guide, because they're essential ingredients for any web page, but you may not be making the most out of them.

      Must Read: 5 Basic Seo Tips for any Blogger

So, Search Engine Optimization(SEO) plays vital role in the aspect of blogging as all the bloggers want traffic to rush towards there site through the help of the traffic sources.Thus, upon my good blogging carrier i have journalised some of the things that we should not do in blogging to maintain smooth flow of our blog in SEO. Now, i am going to present the some of my experiences in blogging.

The Things That a Blogger Should avoid in Blogging :

Irrelevant Post Title :

Choosing a Title that has no relation with the Content of the page will adversely affect your blog from SEO. Try to have a Relevant Post Title on every post of your blog.Some Tip for you from my side is to use Google Adwords to find most searchable Keyword and use the title related to that keyword for better SEO. The second thing that bloggers should take care about is using lengthy post Titles which are of no use.

Irrelevant Description :

Many of the newbies don't use description meta tags for there posts.Use Description meta tags for posts.

Don't write the Description which is not related to the Content or topic of the post and Title of the post. Do not write description too long.

Not Using Proper URL Link for your Post :

Don't use loo long url for your post with unnecessary words in it.Make use of the "Permalink" in blogger customize your URL as short as you can and topic related respectively.

Post with Mistakes :

Don't make lots of spelling and gramatical mistakes in you post.
Make use of Subheadings and Minor Headings in your post and also with good keywords as i already told you to prefer Adwords.

        Check: How to Improve Alexa Rank

Copying The Content :

Avoid copying or duplicate the content of other blogs/sites.Have original content of you this is most
important step to have your own content in your post copy pasting will not affect your SEO performance. So, maintain originality write content by your own and maintain quality in your content.

Not Using Proper Image Tags:

Do not use Long ALT and Text tags for images.Make use of image alt tags properly with small and unique tag.

Not Updating Crawler Errors :

Go to Webmaster Tools and see the crawler errors of your site if you have errors remove that link by submitting removal request in webmaster tools. Not fixing this Crawler errors will effect your Seo.

Purchasing Paid Links :

Many of them offer money and get paid links for increasing there page rank from getting backlinks from unknown sites which are duplicate but google will make penality for such users very badly so go original be original.

Not Maintaining Word Count:

Search engines also see the word count of the post so maintain good word count of your post a good word count for better seo is 500-1000 words for normal posts and more than 1000 words for magazines etc.., Don't maintain thin quantity. But make sure it has better content in it as Quality is more than Quantity.

Not Using Internal Linking :

Internal Links play a major part in the Traffic of a blog make the best use of internal Linking in your blogs which provide you good traffic for your site.All the bloggers aim is to make the visitors stick to our site So, also see that Internal Linking's should be related to to topic or post which you are writing so as to achieve readers concentration to the link.

Do not use too much of the internal links in a single post. Make Sure that don't use No-follow Links when you are internally linking your blog.

Not maintaining Good Writing Skills :

Maintaining the writing skills is very important for each and every blogger as blogging is nothing but giving knowledge that you have in a documentation form which should be understandable by the readers and should be helpful for the readers.
That's it from my side thanks for reading this article if you have any queries feel free to comment it below....Enjoy Blogging !!!

Must Check: Submit Blog to Google

About Guest Author:
is the founder of Techno Nuts.He is a Tech Geek,SEO Expert,Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Follow him @ Google+ | Facebook

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