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Sunday 1 September 2013

How to Increase Adsense Income of your Blog or Website

AdSense is primary source of Income for many Bloggers and there is no limit on How much you earn with Adsense.Simply creating website and getting AdSense doesn't make you Good Money.You need to know some simple things to make some decent amount from Adsense.
Well here I will discuss few things that can boost your AdSense income without much effort.

1.Placement of Ads:

Yes! Proper placement of Ads will boost your income for sure.I have tested this on one of my Blog and Got Some Fruitful results.By placing Ads at proper places you can Get Good Number of Clicks it will increase CTR and obviously increase in income.

My Tips
  • I suggest you to Place Ads below post tittle and End of Post to get Good number of Clicks.
  • If you want to earn more replace the ads with bigger size.I recommend you to use 336 x 280 or 300 x 250 Ad units below post title to make few extra bucks.
  • Generally Ads at this place will irritate some visitors but if you want to Earn more you have to adjust with issues like this!
  • Place Ads beside Menu Bar to make few extra bucks.Below Screen capture is one best way to place ads to earn more

2.Loading Time:

Loading Time Plays a Crucial role in your Blog Success.Yes loading time as impact on Adsense Earning also.If your blog is slow then you Ads will load slowly within this time the reader may left your blog!
If you placed Ads below post title then loading time has great impact on your earnings.When your Ads load as soon as visitor gets landed on the page the probability of clicking Ads is more!So if your blogs doesn't have good loading time then though you place Ads below post title can't make much Earnings.


Traffic is important to Earn More and More from AdSense.If you can build more traffic then you can earn more for sure.I can simply say that More the Traffic More the  More the Income


Google Ads are based on keywords.Some keywords are having high CPC then other.So if you can write about targeted keywords then you earn something more then noramly you earn.

5.Traffic From US/Uk

I found this on my experience that Traffic from US,U.k,Canada and Australia will boost Income for sure.I already said more the traffic more the income.Genreally CPC for US/Uk clicks is much much greater then Indain CPC.So Get Targeted Traffic and Boost your Income.

6.Selection of Ad Units:

This is one more important thing you need to take care of.Selecting Good Ad unit also helps you to increase your revenue from Adsense.

What to Choose Image or Text Ads?

  • I Can't say exactly but with my experience Image ads are performing better then Text ads.Image Ads are some what more catchy and will attract readers. I recommend you to  use both image and text ads on your blog.

Which Size Ads Units is Best?

  • 300x250,336x280,300x600,160x600and 768x90 Ads will be best to generate good number of clicks.

7.Place Ads between Blog Posts:

This will work Something better.Placing Ads between blog post will definitely boost your income but it will give some bad user experience.
  • I recommend you to place 468x60  Text Ad unit which will be best to earn as well as without loosing user experience.

8.Try to Use Maximum Number of Ad units:

You can use 3 banner Ads and 2 Text link Ads using Google Adsense.So I recommed you to use maximum Ad units to earn more.
  • Premium  Adsense Publisher can use 6 Banner Ads.You can also show 6 Banner Ads using Google Double Click.
  • Many saying using maximum Number of Ads will decrease CPC but As per my Experience using any Number of Ad unit won't effect CPC.So You can use maximum Number of Ads.

9.Place Text Link Ad units below Menu Bar.

Yes This will give Some Fruitful results placing Text link Ad units below menu Bar Will generate some good number of Clicks.

10.Some More Tips:

  • Don't Place Ads Side by Side.
  • Give Top Priority to Loading Time.
  • Get More Search Traffic.
  • Concentrate on High CPC keywords.

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